Gun Control
One would assume yesterday's assassination attempt will reignite the gun control debate, but perhaps not (since it was trump who was targeted, and republicans are fairly pro-gun).
My thoughts on gun control are moderate. IMO both sides tend to overstate their case. For example, the argument that the right to bear arms does not apply to individuals is very weak (of the people means of the people).
I'm also skeptical as to how effective gun control would be. Other countries have adopted much stricter measures than anything that would be politically realistic here, with mixed results (eg, the uk handgun ban and australia's mandatory buyback).
OTOH, the idea that gun ownership is a huge crime deterrent is junk science, and lott's research is probably entirely fabricated.
TL;DR Gun ownership is constitutionally protected. We can have a debate on whether judicial review should exist (I tend to lean towards yes) but it currently does, and I think we should be honest about what very clear phraseology means.
Also, while revolution remains unlikely, it's humanity's best hope to avoid collective destruction. And guns could prove useful in a left wing uprising.